Tag - balence

Count or NOT to count?

To Count, or not to Count? That is the question – Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer… yeah, a bit cheesy I know…But that is the question for today’s blog! What are calories? Where the hell do they come from? Is counting necessary?

Let’s start with the obvious…

What Are Calories?

Most foods & drinks consumed provide calories which become our energy source. Calories fuel the body’s everyday needs:

  • Focus
  • Exercise
  • Digestion

Our bodies require calories to survive. How many we need is dependent on our health goals. Caloric needs will vary throughout life.

  • Weight Loss
  • Muscle Gain
  • Sports Performance
  • Pregnancy
  • Medical Conditions

How We Intake Food Calories!

Calories come in different forms such as protein, carbohydrates, & fats. These are called “macronutrients” or “macros”. Each macronutrient plays an essential role in our body, enabling us to function.

What Are Macronutrients?

Macronutrients are nutrients that provide calories or energy and are required in large amounts to maintain body functions and carry out the activities of daily life.

  • Protein: Build & repair tissue (organ/muscle)
  • Carbohydrates: Provides glucose (our body’s preferred energy source)
  • Fats: Hormone secretion & regulation (helps transport nutrients)

If we’re not consuming enough of just one of these nutrients for long periods of time, we’ll experience problems such as low energy, digestion issues, muscle loss, hormone imbalances, weakened immune system, and the list goes on.

Is Counting Calories Necessary?

Unless you’re an athlete intensely training for a sport or health goal driven via weight loss/muscle gain, I firmly believe this is not necessary.

*In the case you need to count calories, keep in mind the objective is to remain within the necessary caloric range.

Maintaining a balanced lifestyle can be easier than most think. The key is portion control and utilizing hand size measurements as a guide.

Follow these recommended daily servings for each food group:

  • Protein: 5 ½ ounces
    • Eat a mix of lean meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, nuts & seeds. 
  • Grains: 6 ounces
  • Dairy: 3 cups (24 ounces)
    • Choose low-fat milk, fat-free milk, or yogurt to reduce saturated fat intake
  • Fruits: 2 cups (16 ounces)
  • Vegetables: 2.5 cups (20 ounces)
    • Eat a variety of colored vegetables. 


Now I know that this may come off confusing and may lead to more questions, do not worry! I’m here to help and assist you with any inquiries you may have. Click this beautiful link and schedule an appointment with me BOOK WITH ME TODAY!